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Speak Out Toolkit

Enabling LEAF to help farmers raise awareness for a sustainable agriculture industry

As part of LEAF's commitment to promoting sustainable farming they proposed a learning portal to help farmers raise awareness through media training, helping them to better communicate with the public.

The LEAF (Linking Environment & Farming) Speak out Toolkit is a stand alone digital product that provides training courses, lessons and quizzes to help them better communicate with the public. Helping to raise awareness around sustainable farming and agricultural practices.

Product Strategy, User Experience and Interface Design

Working with the LEAF team I developed the sites user experience, interface design and visual language in keeping with their current brand identity and the requirements of the project.

This started with a number of User Experience workshops to explore and define the best way to educate farmers in an easily accessible way. The result was a fully content managed modular course that farmers could work through at their own pace, and regularly test their progress with a set of quiz types that could be used interchangeably throughout the course.

The course and interface where designed with flexibility in mind, allowing LEAF to keep the content fresh and up to date with minimal effort by developing a consistent design system that accounted for a range of UI scenarios from rich media and video content through to customisable quiz modules.

Defining the user experience

The Speak Out Toolkit is an online modular course that farmers can complete to educate themselves around all topics involved with engaging with the public and promoting sustainable farming and agricultural practices. The toolkit is made up of a range of activities from simple articles through to customisable quizzes.

Working with the project stakeholders I helped to define the course syllabus and map out how this could work as an interactive digital product. The course is broken down into topics, sub topics and lessons, allowing the course content to be categorised into manageable lessons that users could easily digest at their own pace.

Due to the varied nature of the content all components needed to be designed with flexibility and customisation in mind.

Creating the user interface

The Speakout Toolkit is a stand alone product which needs to work within the constraints of the main LEAF website.

With this in mind I designed the interface to look and feel like an app, making use of a clean and clutter free design style.

Interface components were designed to be modular and reusable, with card and modal components featuring heavily throughout the interface to provide additional context and interaction.

A range of quiz formats were also created to allow LEAF to create interactive page components. After completing these users are able to download an offline version of the answers for reference to further support their PR and event management.

Creating personality throughout the product

The interface components are supported by a series of custom illustrations to help give visual context to the course topics and sub topics. This creates a consistent house style throughout the dashboard and syllabus pages and works alongside additional material that the LEAF team had to work with.

Let's work together

If you are looking for an independent voice who will bring clarity and focus to your brand get in touch for a free consultation.