To help support the studios marketing efforts, promote their portfolio and become a hub of knowledge the Whiteroom site needed to work for a range of varied content while working with the studios premium brand aesthetic.
The redesign of the website coincided with a refresh of Whiteroom's wider brand identity and investment in their marketing efforts. As part of this wider strategy the website would become a content hub for the studios work and culture.
The website redesign aims to create a modular approach to content creation throughout the site, making use of reusable UI components that work at various grid based sizes. This creates a consistent look at feel across the different page types as well as on mobile and tablet devices.
As part of this project I worked with the team to define the information architecture and user experience of the site through wireframes and prototypes before building a comprehensive design style guide ready for handover. Alongside this I also project managed the entire website project, working closely with an external development agency.
Whiteroom required a new website to showcase their work as well as implement their new content marketing strategy giving them the tools they needed to reach a wider audience.
The website needed a flexible design system to accommodate a range of different content types with in a given page, as well as a range of page types. With this in mind, the information architecture and user experience was planned from the ground up with efficiency and ease of use for both Whiteroom and the end user.
To ensure the variety of work could be shown on the site in an easily manageable way, the portfolio combined two feeds of content.
A premium template for case studies and a supporting template for projects which had a simplified layout and page elements that required less time to create assets for. This also allows visitors to quickly filter through large volumes of work.
The new website had a range of page elements available to display work in. These were designed with the type of content the studio used to showcase their work, preferring more dynamic and visually exciting page layouts.
The set of page elements effectively allow them to art direct each page within the constraints of a content managed system.
As part of their content strategy Whiteroom wanted to add a twist to the standard blog format.
To do this, the article feed was designed to work as a customisable content feed, allowing them to add supporting content and art direct the feed with a range of additional components such as imagery, videos and statements.